"Horatio" the Gold-Pug
A Gold-Pug is mythical creature - half goldfish, half pug.
It is an important character and magical animal in the story:
"Es klingt so wild und dunkel" *
You can listen to an exerpt of the abridged audio version of
this story (German) clicking on the soundcloud file below ...
Linocut, limited First-Edition of 19 prints,
printed with golden letterpress ink:

- 10 prints on black cardboard 220g/qm
- 3 prints on dark red cardboard 300g/qm
- 3 prints on petrol cardboard 300g/qm
- 3 prints on slightly structured and striped wallpaper
for sale, framed or unframed, available on request, just drop me a line
to info/at/ hoploid /dot/com.
Find out more about the print production process in the WIP section.

* The story is one of four and part of the "It´s A Quest, Baby!"-Project.
Read more about this project further below.
First drawings/drafts
More of the printing process in my Work In Progress Section ...
First test prints on old drawing block covers (Gerstaecker No5)
First test prints on old drawing block covers (doree Profi-Block)
It´s A Quest, Baby!
- Es klingt so wild und dunkel

"It´s A Quest, Baby!" is an interdisciplinary collaboration of four artists and four writers (MischMash), who concerned themselves with a classic antique concept and structure of storytelling:  The hero´s journey (q.v. Joseph Campbell/Christopher Vogler).
- Or the heroine´s journey, respectively the virgin´s promise
(q.v. Kim Hudson/Christopher Vogler)

They worked in "creative tandems", meaning each team of one artist and one writer met frequently to develope both a written story and corresponding visual art. This interwoven ping-pong of design and storyline made the results so much more than just illustrated texts.

"My" writer and co-heroine was/is Ricarda Brücke. Our story´s title is
"Es klingt so wild und dunkel" (
english: "Dark and savage"). We used to turn our meetings into events, little adventures, and so most of our common experience and the locations we visited together made their way into the story - at least kind of.
So we decided to share our joint efforts and the story behind the story in a tumblr blog ...
coming soon

And as this was a quest, I challenged myself by leaving my familiar drawing and painting media - like ink, coffee and paint - behind to try something different. The visual output amounts to a limited edition of linocut prints depicting an important character and magical creature from the story: "Horatio, the Gold-Pug", as well as 5 hand-made masks and a photographic self-portrait-series for each one of them. Find out more about those masks -> here ...

... and you can also order the official book, containing the deliverables of
all 4 "It´s A Quest, Baby!"-Teams (also german) via amazon.com or amazon.de.

First test prints on old drawing block covers (doree Profi-Block)
First test prints on old drawing block covers (doree Profi-Block)

You can also find hoploid on
Artist website http://www.hoploid.com/

Thx for watching!
Feel free to leave a comment.
If  You enjoy this project, please give a little appreciation
by pressing the button below.

Gold-Pug "Horatio" Print Linocut

Gold-Pug "Horatio" Print Linocut

Linocut, print edition, gold on black, bordeaux and petrol as well as wallpaper. Motif: "Horatio", the Gold-Pug. A Gold-Pug is mythical creature Развернуть
