The historical reenactment association Miquelets de Catalunya tries to represent the Catalan soldiers that fought to save their laws and constitutions during the Franco-Spanish invasion of Catalonia at the end of the Spanish War of Succession (1713-1714).
Miquelet (or mountain fusilier) and his equipment (source:
Catalan musket (or “escopeta”) from the XVIII century.
When trying to represent the light infantry units known as “Miquelets” one of the biggest handicaps is finding accurate firearm replicas in a firing state. This weapons where manufactured in Catalonia and therefore their main differences from other muzzleloaders were the lock (named miquelet lock after these combatants) and the peculiar shapes of the butt and trigger guard.
Parts of the Kentucky rifle kit from Ardesa (source:
The association decided then to start a project that consisted in acquiring a set of Kentucky rifle kits from the Ardesa brand (the most accessible and affordable longarm) and then produce the needed parts so the kits could be assembled in something that resembled a Catalan musket, for internal usage of the association.
3D design model of the stock, designed in Catia V5 and rendered with KeyShot.
My job consisted in designing a stock that maintained the cannon and lock cavities of the Kentucky rifle but resembled a Catalan musket in the butt. These pieces would be cut in beech wood with a 3 axis CNC mill and then smoothed over and stained.
Some steps of the manufacturing process.
The polishing party!
Detail of the lock and trigger guard of a finished musket.
Regarding the lock, it is really difficult and expensive to replicate one on your own nowadays so it was decided to replace the top jaw screw with a ringed one (maybe the most noticeable detail of a miquelet lock to the naked eye). Then, the wrought iron pieces to be produced were the top jaw screw and the trigger guard.
A well-equipped miquelet is a happy miquelet!
The Catalan musket project

The Catalan musket project

Conversion of a Kentucky rifle into a catalan escopeta for the reenactment association Miquelets de Catalunya.



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