Design and photographs created for the release of MKDTC's EP, Féroce Blessé.
MKDTC is a french rapper from Aulnay-sous-Bois, France.
+Féroce Blessé is a french rap EP that oscillates between edgy, incisive flows, melodies and sentimental ballads. MKDTC explores various themes intimately linked to his life and daily routine. The street and the artist's determination not to fall into its ways and excesses, family values and women are all subjects that drive his writing. Throughout the project, MKDTC strives to get by financially while maintaining his values.

+Féroce Blessé est un EP de rap français oscillant entre flows nerveux et incisifs, mélodies et balades sentimentales. MKDTC explore diverses thématiques intimement liées à sa vie et son quotidien. La rue et la volonté de l'artiste de ne pas tomber dans ses travers et dérives, les valeurs familiales, la gente féminine sont autant de sujets qui animent son écriture. Tout au long du projet MKDTC aspire à s'en sortir financièrement tout en conservant ses valeurs.
The entire photo shoot for + Féroce Blessé was shot in Iceland on the lava flows of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. The lava is black and hardened by time, as fiery as the wrinkles of an old gorilla king...​​​​​​​
+Féroce Blessé


+Féroce Blessé
