Profiel van Nikky Montesclaros

SURF & LOVE T-Shirt Design

This was a personal project that came to mind after loss of a friend, doing what he loved---SURF. A lot of us made sure never to surf alone and on our first surf all together, it hit me,... this sport saved me and brought me in such a place way back in 2008 when I first came. The love of Siargao community and the immersion to nature makes you feel you're never truly alone. I suppose this was my way of grieving--- to put emotions into a piece of work. Group of friends (Cheeky Titas) became a platform to visualize those sentiments and to share something that has been so meaningful in my life and in the island I chose to call home. This project is dedicated to those that feel lost, broken or are still finding life and figuring out themselves in this world, you're NEVER ALONE <3

Concept & Design: Nikky Yu Montesclaros
Copywrite: Nikky Yu Montesclaros
Photographs: Mary Dizon (@madebymd)
Model: Mia Mosing

SURF & LOVE T-Shirt Design

SURF & LOVE T-Shirt Design
