Profil von Stuart Robert Foy

Coutts: Customizable Product Video | Motion & 3D

The Brief

Create a customizable video to send to Coutts customers applying for a product. The video needed to have customizable sections of text, and not be overly distracting to ensure the customer listens to the voiceover (as the video doubled up as a legal document).

The Solution

Take the bees wax sculpture commissioned for Coutts, the debit card visual and bring it to life in 3D. By creating a selection of different shots the video can be lengthened or shortened depending on the customer. Simple animated text frames are interspersed, depending on the voice over.

The voiceover has been replaced with music, and the text changed to avoid leaking confidential details.
I built the virtual sculpture texture by using photographs of the real sculpture and stitching them together in Photoshop. I applied this to a simple cube in Blender, and used the texture as both colour and a bump map to give it realistic details. 
Getting the 'pony hair' look correct was a challenge, but I think it looked fantastic in the end. However, getting the render times down to a reasonable degree then became a challenge in its own right...
An early render. This was before I grasped the intricacies of the hair system in Blender...
Wax sculpture | Original presentation of Coutts debit card
Coutts: Customizable Product Video | Motion & 3D

Coutts: Customizable Product Video | Motion & 3D
