Victoria Chen's profile

Yolk Planet | Someone You Like #01

The Story

Yolk Planet is a small project I started back in 2015 with the original idea of drawing an interesting friend from my surroundings every day. Gradually, I began sketching people I admired, such as architects and photographers. I even started drawing my favourite movie characters after watching visually appealing films. Later on, I expanded the project by personifying beloved objects, foods, and more.

I intentionally created a social media presence for this project, sharing my artwork on Instagram (@yolk_planet). Yolk Planet became like a creative "sketchbook" for me, a source of inspiration whenever I faced creative blockages. Although the project went on hiatus for a while, I now realize the importance of continuing this habit to document my inspiration.

This year, my new plan is to keep up with this practice. I'm excited about what the near future holds for "Yolk Planet." Stay tuned for more updates!

Yolk Planet serial illustration by Astro Circo Studio​​​​​​​


Check out more of our fun stuffs 
Yolk Planet | Someone You Like #01

Yolk Planet | Someone You Like #01
