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The Grin Project: Final Year Major Project 2013

The topic that was given to us students was Sustainability. Therefore, for a person who loves the beauty world, yet nature and earthy colours, I decided to come up with a Campaign called, The Grin Project.
The creative objective of this project is to allow the consumers to understand the negative aspects of cosmetics and educate them to opt for cosmetics in a more ethical manner through visual mediums. Eventually, I created a campaign where one will understand on using safe cosmetics. 
Below are the following created for this campaign.
The Campaign Logo
The campaign logo is designed in such a way where it reflects a women’s lips in a form of a leaf. The definition for this is design is to showcase natural cosmetics over toxic chemistry.

Series of Posters
The poster is designed in such a manner where it’s targeting on the female’s lips. Mainly depicting the effects of a lipstick in a negative approach. 
Each poster reflects on an animal that goes through animal cruelty in the form of illustrations. They are rats, cats and rabbits. Lucious enough to kill?


Mobile Application
The purpose of the mobile application is to allow mobile users to try out a makeover application with a twist. The application is such where one does not get a beautiful makeover. Instead, the users will receive a little shock when the end result happens. 
There will functions where one can use their camera or they may wish to upload from the phone’s
photo gallery.

Series of Posters
The poster is designed in such a manner where it’s targeting on the female’s lips. Mainly depicting the effects of a lipstick in a negative approach. 
Each poster reflects on an animal that goes through animal cruelty in the form of illustrations. They are rats, cats and rabbits. Lucious enough to kill?

Website Design
The website is design in a way where it is informative on the campaign’s aspects, such as targeting on the issues like animal testing and toxic chemistry. 
The website also showcases some information about the campaign’s event and the voice of the public on what people feel on changing their toxic cosmetics to products which have more natural ingredients.

Series of Posters
The poster is designed in such a manner where it’s targeting on the female’s lips. Mainly depicting the effects of a lipstick in a negative approach.
Each poster reflects on an animal that goes through animal cruelty in the form of illustrations. They are rats, cats and rabbits. Lucious enough to kill?
Guerilla Advertising
The guerilla advertising is similar to the mobile application. However, the functions are slightly different as it is a stand alone touch screen panel, that will be situated outdoor facilities. 
There will not be any link to the website as this is a ‘on-the-go’ teaser to the campaign. Passer-bys will definitely find this touch screen interactive. 
The Grin Project: Final Year Major Project 2013

The Grin Project: Final Year Major Project 2013

Major Project done in 2013 as a school assignment
