Dream Project
The artist I have chosen is named Kevin Shah.
Here's a description of what his art is like:

"My approach to art is inspired by Japanese and Western pop culture such as anime, manga, comics, animation and video games." 

His approach to art is very much my approach to art and all of his interests align with mine, hence why I love his art so much. He's an amazing artist that I enjoy seeing the work of, especially due to how stylized and cartoony his art is. When I illustrate/draw, I like to make my art cartoony and stylized too and that's why he's a perfect choice for this project.
Here is a link to his online portfolio: colorreaper.com
More reasons that I chose him and his art is because over time I've grown fonder of stylized character art. The line work in his art is very pleasing to the eyes and they have a very nice flow to them, which I will have to learn to replicate. 
Dream Project

Dream Project

