大庆 Daqing's profile金妍希 KimYeonhee's profile

Brand Identity Design For Three grils


三千金,是一家致力于窗帘的家居生活品牌,而我们的设计灵感则源自生活的感悟,以"感受美好时刻"为核心,在视觉体系中,以中文 "三" 的线性结构为基础,融入了"时光、风景、多彩"的概念,通过色彩的注入,大胆而富有诗意,宛如生活中的那些充满微小的温暖和惊喜的感人瞬间。

"Three Girls" is a home lifestyle brand dedicated to curtains. Our design inspiration is derived from life's insights, with a core focus on "Experiencing Beautiful Moments." In our visual system, we build upon the linear structure of the Chinese character "三" (three) and incorporate concepts such as "Time, Scenery, and Vibrancy." Through the infusion of color, we boldly and poetically create a warm living experience, akin to those tiny, heartwarming, and pleasantly surprising moments in life.

Visual Identity & Packaging Design  
Creative Director: :Daqing 、Jin Yanxi        Graphic Design:Daqing  
Copyright ©Three Girls

Brand Identity Design For Three grils

Brand Identity Design For Three grils
