Profilo di Kalia Apostolidou

Six Degrees Of Separation-Book illustration

Six Degrees of Separation
Book Illustration
The concept of this book, was to illustrate the theory of the six degrees of separation.
Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet, can be connected to any other person on the planet, by six steps. A chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediates.
The theory was first proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy,
in a short story called "Chains." 
Based on this short story and on a research i did on this theory,
i composed and illustrated this book.
Special thanks to mariadouni who helped me compose this video!
For Six Degrees Of Separation branding you can check here
Six Degrees Of Separation-Book illustration

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Six Degrees Of Separation-Book illustration

Book illustration for the theory of Six Degrees Of Separation
