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Project #2 - Mediated Messages

This was our first project and had difficulties with the task but we put a lot of effort in it so that we could come up with a great work. We had to deal with the difficulties of the knowledge behind it because we hadn't learnt about it yet. Luckily our experiences with television helped us to solve this problem. The basic story was about a fight on a bus and protesters on the street. 
The scenario we made up from this key points:
The scenario: Public bus + BKV ticket conductor + passenger stopped (some politician) then bus stopped due to this ticket violation, police arrives at the scene of commotion. Later on people start marching with banners because the politician who created the law/passed the bill for the law about ticket price hikes and violation fees/consequences; himself is caught violating the law.
NEWSREADER #1: Yesterday a politician, Kiss Janos was travelling on the BKV bus number 86 without a ticket and he wasn’t planning to leave the bus even after the ticket conductor asked him.
NEWSREADER#2: The news of this event spread quickly over the internet via twitter and Facebook. Due to this many people who were against the bill that was passed by Kiss Janos are demonstrating near Oktogon and the Andrassy Street of Budapest.
REPORTER: We are on site here on the route of bus 86 where we have one eye witness. Who will account for what she experienced on the bus?
EYE WITNESS: Oh! it was terrible!, I was afraid, I'll never see my loved ones again. In an instant the whole bus rose and exploded in an aggressive outrage... I will never recover from this trauma. We thought we can trust him.
REPORTER:  So as you can see many people gathered to the streets to protest against Kiss János’s action. It was XY from the scene. I give the word back to studio.
NEWSREADER #1: Thank you. In the late night news, you can see more details about the events happening in Budapest. Thank you for the attention.
Line 1: This is Channel 4 Eyewitness Public News Broadcast and I am _____, good evening Budapest.
Line 2:  TONIGHT ON THE CHANNEL 4 NEWS! We have an urgent news bulletin for you!
Line 3: As violence erupted between Kiss Geza, a right wing politician and the BKV ticket conductor of Bus 86.
Line 4: It caused some serious traffic jams on Margit Bridge and escalated very quickly into public outcry. Over the internet via Twitter and Facebook as the whole scene was capture lived and uploaded on Youtube.
Line 5: After the news went viral, people against the right wing politician transport bill hike marched in protest at Oktogon on Andrassy Street.
Line 6: Live report says: Police were on site when the protest took a violent turn, 7 protestors have been injured so far and one is critically injured.
Line 7: Public property has been damaged and we advise the citizens of Budapest to not enter that area. As tear gas has been deployed and we are yet to receive any names/confirmation of the injured but we will continue to deliver rapid reports.
Line 8: The right wing political party has declined to make any official comments yet. While the BKV transport authority has issued its brief public statement and says, “The ticket conductor was just doing his job and the other party concerned simply refused to abide by the law”.
Line 9: We will continue to make public service announcements here at Channel 4 Eyewitness News.
Project #2 - Mediated Messages

Project #2 - Mediated Messages

Difference between Public Boradcasting and Newsreel.
