Profil von Ewa Wawryszuk

Fear of Crime Paradox (FCP)

This is a conceptual project of the Fear of Crime Paradox (FCP) Non-profit Help Group as a part of the CMHA Canadian Mental Health Association. FCP is focused on the Fear of Crime Paradox and clients who are suffering from this mental health issue.

This project targets people that struggle with fear of the possibility to be victimized and the close ones who want to find help for them. 

The strategic objectives of this project were to build awareness about the Fear of Crime Paradox and to let people know that they can ask for help. 

The design solution was visual language that captures the viewer’s attention by visually explaining the nature of the issue with which the viewers can easily relate.

The extension for this project is an App that allows to get instant help and is easy to navigate with design attention for disabled people.

Fear of Crime Paradox (FCP)

Fear of Crime Paradox (FCP)
