Profil Leigh Jagareski

WNYC Classical Composer Campaign

Creative Direction, Illustration, Digital Design

You only turn 333 once! New York Public Radio’s classical music station WQXR wanted to drive engagement on their social media channels by encouraging followers to join them in celebrating Listener Appreciation Month and the 333rd birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach. But how do you create fresh campaign graphics when your subjects lived hundreds of years in the past? Photography is out of the question, and recycling the classic portraits of these composers is too expected to keep viewers from scrolling past.

I illustrated the composers’ portraits in bright Pop Art palettes with loosely hand-rendered style and typography to align with the upbeat tone of the campaign language and to serve as an unexpected counterpoint to the somber tones of the traditional portraits in which we typically see these composers. 

WNYC Classical Composer Campaign

WNYC Classical Composer Campaign
