My sketches
The aim is to sketch out different type of character that repersent me as a designer.
Work in Progress
The first thing that came into my mind while I am creating my character is to have the eyes that is unique. I went to research on how to create creature eyes and I found out that high gloss polymer is used to create the
acrylic eyeball. 
The next Iconic feature I want my character to have is teeth. They are also made out of clay.
I used clay to create the figure of my characters. Although the clay will crack I still find it acceptable as nothing is flawless which meets the message I wanted to convey. 
The tooth alian
The Bubble alian
The innocent Creature
I wanted to portray the family bond that my character have so I decided to display them in a wooden house shape frame. 
Watercolour Painting
Character Design

Character Design

The creature family!
