Daydreaming by Monos

Sector: Food & Drinks
Practice area: Visual Identity System, Packaging Design, Copywriting
Designed by Pocca

Daydreaming by Monos is an independent coffee shop operated by Monos in Shanghai. After three year of operation, alongside the rebranding for Monos, the expression of this space is also looking for a refinement and upgrade for a better quality.

Pocca was commissioned to refresh the visual identity system of Daydreaming by Monos. Starting from the concept of daydreaming itself, we presented the relaxation of 'daydreaming with coffee' through a symbol of dreaming and a hand-script logotype, which helped the coffee shop to be more easily recognized on the street and presented to consumers and passersby with a sense of everyday relaxation.

Daydreaming by Monos


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Daydreaming by Monos

Daydreaming by Monos is an independent coffee shop operated by Monos in Shanghai. After three year of operation, alongside the rebranding for Mon Læs mere


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