Wilton Studios is a record label and a producer collective in the field of RnB//Rap/House/Pop music. Our main business is working in studio, producing songs, playing instruments, making beats, and collaborating with other artists. Our music is a hybrid between real vintage instruments (old keyboards, old synthesizers, real drums,) and more modern electronic sounds.

A synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments.

Synthesizers were initially viewed as avant-garde, valued by the 1960s psychedelic and counter-cultural scenes but with little perceived commercial potential. Today, the synthesizer is used in nearly every genre of music, and is considered one of the most important instruments in the music industry. According to Fact in 2016, “The synthesizer is as important, and as ubiquitous, in modern music today as the human voice.”

Wilton Studios


Wilton Studios
