'Never Sit on Your Camel'  Marker and pastel on layout paper. All the folowing images are scans from laser copies, hence the imperfections
'Always Know the Right End of Your Camel'  Marker and pastel high finish visual
'Cool Camel'  Poster Concept visual in marker and pastel, on layout paper
'Go On, Be a Devil'  A quick soft pencil concept with digital colour
'Don't Be Square'  Concept in marker, coloured pencil, and gouache highlights
'Simple Pleasures'  But don't let it Dominate!   Marker pencil and some gouache
'Camel Lights'  Concept visual in marker and coloured pencil on digital background
'Always on Standby'   Poster concept in marker and coloured pencil
'Never Drag on your Camel'  Marker and pastel on layout paper
'Share New Horizons'  Marker and pastel on layout paper
'Keep Your Camel on Cue'   Marker, pastel, and coloured pencil on layout paper. I had a few hours to do this image from scratch


As a non-smoking employee I was asked to visualise a series of images for a Camel cigarette campaign using humour as a theme, based around a sing Read More
