Good day. This project was commissioned by the founder of the first 10k NFT collection in Cardano Blockchain. The brief was simple: to show the SpaceBudz characters undergoing a transformation through the wormhole. Scroll down and I'll take you through my process.
Rough Sketch sent to the client for approval.
A more refined sketch after client approved the initial sketch. Layout and art elements are placed using grid method and golden ratio proportions.
A few lighting options that I showed the client prior to finalizing the colors.
The video above is a timelapse of my process, from the draft to the final approved art.
Final result.
Here it is in action complete with a parallax effect.
Below are shots I took of a personalized desk mat I've ordered from my friend using the artwork. Couldn't be happier with the outcome of the desk mat itself.
Thank you for viewing this project.
SpaceBudz NFT Wallpaper


SpaceBudz NFT Wallpaper


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