Arduino Tetris
By: Dylan Bloch
What I wanted to do for this project was make a game that I could have in my house and play as a pastime while still meeting the requirements for the project. The first game that came to mind when thinking about what I was going to make was Tetris. This is because I grew up playing Tetris and had an idea about how I could make it using neo pixels. 
So to start this project I laid out the neo pixels on a piece of ply wood and soldered them all together so I could test the strip.
I then went on to make the grid so you could see each neo pixel individually and it would have more of that boxy Tetris look.
Finally I made the container out of plywood and made the cover out of acrylic that I spray painted with a frosted glass paint. I also sanded the cover to give it more of that opaque look that I was going for. 
This is a video of me playing the game as well as clearing some lines so you can see how the score is kept.
This is a video of me losing on purpose so you can see what the losing screen looks like to signify that that round is over. I also use the pause button at the end of the video to keep me from instantly starting a new game. 
Arduino Tetris
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Arduino Tetris

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