Perfil de Rubban Kunasakaran

Brand Identity Project: Asia Softlab

I am excited to share with you my recent branding project for Asia Softlab, a talent development company in the IT sector. The project was given to me in March 2023, and I was responsible for designing the company's entire branding, from logo to brand fonts, brand colors, and AD samples.

Asia Softlab's objective is to provide top-notch talent development services in the IT sector. My task was to create a brand that accurately represents the company's vision and mission, and to convey their values of innovation, expertise, and professionalism.

To achieve this, I conducted extensive research into the IT sector and Asia Softlab's competitors, to gain insights into the market trends and customer preferences. I used these insights to create a unique and memorable logo, selecting brand fonts and colors that reflected the company's values and resonated with their target audience.

The result was a cohesive and impactful brand that captured Asia Softlab's identity and positioned them as a leader in their industry. The AD samples I designed effectively communicated their services and capabilities to potential clients.

Overall, I am proud of the work I did for Asia Softlab and the results we achieved together. I hope that you find my branding project compelling, and I look forward to discussing it with you further.
Brand Identity Project: Asia Softlab
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Brand Identity Project: Asia Softlab

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