Series of graphic pieces that are built from a discarded drawing and it is elaborated until its last consequences. This process consists of debugging what is wrong at the base as a way out towards the deepening of innocence and as an idea of trying to finish what is started. With this thought, it is about giving possibility to those things that were already condemned at the beginning and developing a complex system to develop its possibilities with all the difficulties that it entails. It is not a question of correcting or restoring or modifying it to transform it into something common, but rather developing the given base as a new expression of life. So I slip into a conscious state of aesthetic mediocrity to handle the very impurity of his expression. This mediocrity is the “grace” that is generated and with which one works to simply decorate the tragedy of its existence. In short, decorate the mess.
Garbage and Ornament


Garbage and Ornament
