Perfil de Nelson Sakwa

Library App - ipad | android | android wear

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Credits :
1. IOS 7 Icons - Pixeden
2. Book covers - Book Cover Archive . All covers are copyright of their respective owners
3. Android wear hand -  Alex Cican
4. Teehan + Lax  for IOS 7 Ipad bar
5. App Icon (excluding Digital library text ) from Mapbox under BSD License
6. ipad landscape orientation perspective by the  XAOP team
7. Flat Nexus 5 - Christian Björkman
8. Flat ipad potrait from Mirko Monti
9. Android UI Kit from Taylor Ling
Library App - ipad | android | android wear
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Library App - ipad | android | android wear

Library app design concept exploring implementation of same concept on different Mobile OS platforms and devices.

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