Carla Buchanan 님의 프로필

Wallpaper* Magazine Cover & Spread

Design a front cover and inside double page spread for the existing Wallpaper* magazine which follows it's general existing style using a theme from the following:
- Fashion
- Lifestyle
- Food
For this project I decided to base my theme on Lifestyle and created a story of a new, upcoming, successful actor that audiences should keep their eye on. I art directed and shot all of the photographic images myself as well as wrote the front cover headline, sub headers and the double page spread inside article. I chose the monochrome colour pallet with pops of bold yellow, along with the edgy double page spread designs to create a contemporary, aesthetic appearance to maintain the consistent appearance and feel of other Wallpaper* magazine editorials produced to appear as realistic as possible.
Wallpaper* Magazine Cover & Spread

Wallpaper* Magazine Cover & Spread

Project requiring us to design a Front Cover and Inside Spread based on any topic of our choice for the magazine 'Wallpaper*.' I based my design 자세히 보기


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