Embodyed is a collaboration with my own exploring it as a site for psychological experiences and investigating the correlation between the mind and body, also referred to as psychosomatic relations. Our minds and bodies are constantly interacting and influencing one another in a dynamic reciprocal process. 

My project involves an introspection of this relationship, as I strip away the constructs that define and restrict me I turn an inward gaze towards my body to visualize the inner-workings of my mind, seeking to understand how anxiety and stress manifest as physical distress and discomfort. The final piece is a visceral representation of the interplay between the mind and body, and the toll that mental health can take on one’s physical well-being- 
creating an embodied mindscape

Studying the Human Body
As a part of my research ‘through practice’, I studied the body during life drawing sessions


The Outcome




Through introspection of the mind-body relationship, I strip away the constructs that define and restrict me and turn an inward gaze towards my b Read More
