Emma Grattan profili

Vogue Magazine Redesign: Conductive Ink

This project was based on a brief given by the creative agency Imagination which challenged us to find a new design use for conductive ink technology that would explore the boundaries between print and digital. For this project myself and my team members Andrew Emerson, James O'Neill and Christoph Gaeng chose to explore the the context of the magazine, redesigning a new user experience for Vogue magazine and redefining the connection between print and digital.
Using the magazine as our platform allowed us each to pursue our own personal ideas and interests while presenting their functionality as a whole within the context of our new Vogue. Our redesign used familiar gestures within the printed magazine to inform the digital context. It looks at how conductive ink technology can add value to advertising, navigation of content and other elements such as rating articles and marking 'read later' sections that can be transfered to a digital context from the printed magazine.

This is the final video, which was presented as part of the pitch to Imagination in London.
Vogue Magazine Redesign: Conductive Ink
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Vogue Magazine Redesign: Conductive Ink

Redefining the way in which readers interact with Vogue magazine.

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