This packaging is sure to stand out on the shelves. Thin and minimal materials are meant to keep the product cost effective.
Taking in to account price, I decided to go with cans verses bottles.
Including a beer pong rules poster in the Ponger packaging is a great way to gain additional exposure for the Ponger brand.
Upload photos and videos with #playwithponger for a chance to win cool prices like this typographic Ponger Pale Ale Poster.
Upload photos and videos with #playwithponger for a chance to win cool prices like this typographic Ponger Pale Ale t-shirt.
Upload photos and videos with #playwithponger for a chance to win cool prices like this typographic Ponger Pale wall clock.
For this project I wanted to create a niche within a crowded market. Ponger Pale Ale is the total package, combining sleek design, financially conscious packaging, and all the supplies needed to participate in college's favorite past time: beer pong.
I really took in to account the low cost marketing potentional associated with the college aged consumer. Because Ponger's target consumer is college aged kids, social media is the perfect marketing platform. The idea is to create a hashtag (#playwithponger) to which consumers can post photos and videos of themselves using the product. The more viewership their videos/photos gain, the more Ponger prizes they unlock.
Ponger Pale Ale

Ponger Pale Ale

For this project I wanted to create a niche within a crowded market. Ponger Pale Ale is the total package, combining sleek design, financially co Read More
