Born as a B2C activity of EasySolution, EasyLab is a repair and assistance laboratory for smartphones and PCs.

Entering a highly competitive environment, where the price variable often drives the decisions of potential customers, we were asked to build a communication plan to identify the most interesting targets in the area and hit them with the right message. The creation of the plan involved our entire team from A to Z, starting from Research and Analysis up to the planning and implementation of advertising campaigns.
The content creation team has designed the social media advertising and search advertising campaign. For the sale of reconditioned products, we have focused on a green message that emphasizes savings in terms of water or CO2 emitted by preferring a regenerated device to a new one.

For the repair campaign, we focused on creative communication, creating a series of images specially designed for the products and services offered: a main campaign in which we exploited the proverbial Lego bricks and two further cinemagraphs that draw inspiration from the world of memes web, in a fresh and ironic way.
Making of
Team credit:
Samuel Giudice – Art Director, retoucher
Fabrizio Falcomatà – Art Director, retoucher
Fabiola Pernechele – Strategist & Adv