The Savoiardi Sofa
concept / fabric, metal, wood

Inspired by the french Charlotte cake dessert!
Savoiardi sofa is contemporary furniture made user-adjustable by a single nylon strap that holds together a set of biscuit-shaped backrests and armrests. By combining all the single units, the strap allows the user to create the best shape for the necessity of the moment, transforming the furniture from a one–seat sofa to a chaise lounge and more.
I accidentally saw the "stacking and modular" elements in French desserts, especially Charlotte cake, which reminded me of the modular sofa idea; just like Charlotte cake will be decorated and fixed with straps when the "assembly" is completed, the Savoiardi sofa is composed of a biscuit-shaped backrest & armrest, a seat cushion and nylon straps. After arranging and combining these units, many types of sofas can be formed, and a small side table can also be added. Finally, the nylon straps Fasten the straps tightly.
Although there are designs that see the same concept as the origin, I think most of them focus on the association of appearance, while I focus on the "process" of completing the cake.

Thanks for watching.
Design by Jing-Cyuan Tang

Savoiardi Sofa


Savoiardi Sofa
