I designed posters for events such as workshops, seminars, and field trips which took place in the Visual Communication Design (VCD) department. Here are some of the selected works:

• At this faculty event, organised by VCD, artist Bager Akbay was invited to give a seminar on Zoom. I took “digitising aura” seriously in my design:
• Lak Lak is the traditional event hosted and organised by the students of VCD department. The format is PechaKucha-style presentations: 20 slides, each automatically changes every 20 seconds. That was my turn to design a poster for the event. So I used the iconic microphone and arranged other elements:
• A workshop was organised to prepare the students to join Milano Design Week 2020 as a department. Stefano Cardini from Domus Academy was invited to conduct the workshop. DOGO was there as industry partner. So I designed that one:
• The poster below includes the ears of the famous Dutch rabbit character Nijntje (Miffy) designed by Dick Bruna. Everything other than Miffy was is drawn by me:
Posters for VCD


Posters for VCD
