The app that connects you with creators all around the globe.
As creatives and especially while we’re in school, it can be hard to bring our passion projects to life. Why? We haven’t met the right people yet. That’s where MakeIt comes in: this app helps you connect with creators in your city and all over the world to finally make those projects a reality.

MakeIt is a free collaboration app for seasoned pros and folks that are just getting started alike. Here you can search by open calls others have posted, location, or simply by skill. Upload projects to your profile, follow creators, explore open calls, and find the inspiration you need to bring your portfolio to the next level.
Some of the wirefrimes for the initial design vs the end result.
For this project, I came up with the concept for the app, created a brand identity, and developed an interactive prototype in Adobe XD.
MakeIt brand identity.
App prototype | MakeIt


App prototype | MakeIt
