Blaster Designs profil

Masaya Hostel in Medellín

Masaya Hostel Medellín.

Masaya hostel Medellín is a building that catches your attention when you find it walking down the street. Its contemporary facade is suddenly interrupted by large metal panels decorated with colorful illustrations inspired by the geometric shapes that we commonly see in our Antioquia chivas. 
But the best is inside, the first thing that receives visitors is a small room designed in the image and likeness of the saguanes of the old houses in the region, followed by a reception with murals that represent the Antioquia peasant culture. On the first floor there is a small coffee bar inspired by the taverns of Guayaquil in the center of Medellín followed by a large solar, with lamps, looms and water fountains recreating the atmosphere of the cheerful parks of the towns.

When visiting the other floors and rooms of the hotel, you can see different details that fill the different spaces with personality and identity.

The Masaya experience-

For the hotel customer user experience design, we teamed up with our friends from the Indelible studio. Together we established the main features or aspects that a hotel user's experience should have. At that time we defined that each hotel guest would live an immersive experience of the local culture. To achieve this, we transformed a building with modern architecture, into a place that recreates different classic Antioquia scenarios.

Inspiration and design: 

In order to immerse guests and visitors in a space that represents different places in the Antioquia region, we did field work in different places, taking photos of facades, finishes, among other elements that will help us achieve our task.
Divider panels with “molas” type textiles made by the Kuna indigenous community
Hanging lamps inspired by the hot air balloons that rise in the sky in December
Sinks made of crockery by artisans from the town of Carmen de Viboral

Chivas-inspired decorative elements
Muralism inspired by the graffiti tour of the commune 13
Immersion in culture through popular expressions
Masaya Hostel in Medellín

Masaya Hostel in Medellín
