Perfil de marlene hutchins

Dog-gestive product logo and package design

Dog-gestive logo and packaging design
Doug created a digestive product his aging dog sorely needed, simply because he discovered there were no similar and easy to serve products on the market. He created recipes, landed on the one that helped his dog consistently, and decided to get this recipe on the market. Once his formula was tested and approved for production, and was seeking a logo and package design for his specialized product, I began my work by learning more from the client, specifically, who I was designing this artwork for. This information guided me as I developed relevant designs. I collaborated with the client to create the logo and package designs, researched box and pouch packaging requirements, and worked closely with the client’s vendors to create and prepare technically-accurate, drum tight print-ready files.
Dog-gestive product logo and package design


Dog-gestive product logo and package design
