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Social media ads for "Live Online" Masters program

Social media ads announcing "Live Online" enrollment, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University, NYC.
Danielle Wozniak, dean of Wurzweiler College, has always been an education innovator. She saw an opportunity long before online classes were popular, and nudged the college in that direction. Danielle saw a need: her prospective students wanted the flexibility of in person and online attendance. When Danielle learned that students all across the country—and their affiliate university in Israel—wanted to earn a Masters degree from Wurzweiler, this program of live, online class instruction was born.

To create relevant and engaging social media announcements, we learned about their student's goals, challenges, and needs. Design Thinking sessions helped us focus on messages their prospective students needed to hear.

We researched content and design recommended for social media ads, reviewed the college's current ads, and designed our messages to exceed those targets. Testing the content also allowed us to refine the design.
Design Thinking sessions notes
The college's current creative -> sample of social media recommended creative -> test of creative
Comps of concepts presented to Danielle and her team at YeshivaU
Social media ads for "Live Online" Masters program


Social media ads for "Live Online" Masters program
