Profil appartenant à Jacob Metzger

Attention to "f-in-g+" Detail

The Non-Offensive* Arrangement of Social Media Iconography
It amazes me how the simplest details can inspire creative ideas. This project is an example of just that.

The other day a co-worker came across a website that used a unique combination of social media icons in their footer. Big deal, right? Most sites use social media icons. But immediately I did a double-take when I saw the arrangement of the icons. The site footer included only the Facebook (f) and the LinkedIn (in) icons next to one another. When combined, the icons read f'in. This minute detail was so easily overlooked that I instantly wondered what other possible combinations existed. 

What about the addition of the "g+" icon from Google+? (f-in-g+) As I laughed to myself, I realized that this simple mistake sparked a creative idea. Why not create a guide explaining how to correctly arrange social media icons? A guide so simple that it would only really require one simple step – Attention to detail. 

The end result was a tongue-in-cheek poster that explains "The Non-Offensive* Arrangement of Social Media Iconography" in one simple step. Contrastingly, the headline defines the one and only step – "Attention to f-in-g+ detail." 
Offended? No worries. The poster's disclaimer covers that – *Content may be offensive.
Attention to "f-in-g+" Detail
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Attention to "f-in-g+" Detail

It amazes me how the simplest details can inspire creative ideas. This project is an example of just that. The other day a co-worker came across Lire la suite

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