Macy's gave us the task to design its Holiday Window Display in their Miami Beach store.
When we saw the space, we thought this was a great opportunity to experiment with typography.
This year I have worked on a lot of typography projects, trying to take them out of a display or
a sketch book into a 3D level using different materials.

We decided to design the Macy's window display with these bases and using
the words "give" and "believe" (macy's promo word) we created the display using pins
and over 3,000 yards of thread, the very material of fashion.
I believe these materials and the way they were used allowed to create an effect that emphasized and placed greater attention on the words and the holiday spirit.   This is a collaboration project i did with fellow designer David Garcia. Special thanks to Tubo, Camilo, Monica, Javier, Maggy and Chadwick for helping us
making this project a reality!
Macy's window display
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Macy's window display

Give. Fil et punaises – Vitrine chez Macy’s. Macy's Holiday Window Display in their Miami Beach store. using the words "give" and "believe" (macy Daha Fazla Bilgi

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