Brittney Lippincott profili

American Playground Company - Site Amenities

Below are materials I created for the American Playground Company as part of the company's broader strategy for producing regular content to stay relevant in search result rankings.

During the process of creating these materials, I coordinated with our Copywriter and Marketing Director to make sure the approach used was approved and the copy optimized for SEO purposes. 

The focus for this particular mini campaign was site amenities. We chose to try a different approach--highlighting the necessity of site amenities such as benches, trash cans, and bike racks by asking what if there were no site amenities at a park or recreational area. 
Below: Blog post written for the Site Amenities mini campaign.
Below: Marketing email created for the Site Amenities mini campaign.
Below: Social media post created for the Site Amenities mini campaign.
American Playground Company - Site Amenities
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American Playground Company - Site Amenities

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