The project was created for the Hungarian architecture competition: "Lookouts near Nature", Arrabona..
Year: 2022.
Team members: 
Valentina Fesenko, Zaklina Njezic.

The location of Abda lookout tower can be reached by turning from the highway to the old narrow road, where the nature awakes within the water area. Even though being placed close to the traffic, sounds of various bird species can be heard and create a greater impression. On the other side of the old road, we see agricultural fields which are not as appealing for visitors, while the current state is also neglected, but with a future potential that we focused on.

Wanting to frame the main view, we have orientated the stair pathway towards it, through a passage that improvises “tree arcade”, a unique tunnel that embraces a visitor on its way to the top. The visitor enters the tower through the triangle which leads to the stair flight that floats inside of the main steel construction, taking different directions, and this way it becomes a journey itself enjoyed from the inside. Steel bars create an envelope, shaping the structure, but still being transparent. The key to this approach is planting a vineyard that will grow around the bars, integrate with nature, and become a landmark element as well.

Design process of our team integrated the site impressions with the given technical requirements. If the tower would have been straight, with the 9m height, it would be in the line with the existing nearby trees that would be blocking the view. To resolve this, leaning the tower in one direction seemed like a win-win situation both for the function and the shape. The inclined shape represents the dynamics of coming close to the water, standing above it, and enjoying the 360° view.

The height of the platform is 9m, with an additional 1.20m of the safety railing. The structure is made of galvanized steel, that can overcome bigger spans while remaining slim and more adequate to the situation. This way, the tower can be prefabricated at the factory, and later assembled on the site, not to harm the environment. The benefit of this towering structure is that once it is assembled, it would not need much additional maintenance, as steel is a very durable material, and the ivy/vine will give it the final shape that nature desires.

We did not want to create an alien landmark to the location of Abda, but rather to interact with given state of the environment. 



Creative Fields