As 2023 is the Rabbit year in Asian calendar, I created this New Year card with some rabbit characters.

Inspired by one of my favorite movies in 2022, Everything Everywhere all at once, I came up with the idea of a multiverse version of these 5 rabbit characters. Each version of the rabbit represents different roles of myself in 2022 and predicts what my life would be like in 2023 at the same time.

The 5 versions of rabbit in multiverses
Baby Carrot     the innocent who like to eat and sing.
Movie & Chill   the lazy one who like to relax and take times
Inner Peach     the one who seeks for peace of mind and like to practice yoga
Intense Nerd    workaholic & perfectionist who like to kill the to-do list
Muscle             body builder who like to keep fit and control his meal
Workload of the year
The donuts theme is inspired by 2022 hit song of New Country (
Work in progress
Happy New Year 2023 everyone!

I wish this rabbit year will bring you the fortune ,joy and healthier!
Rabbit New Year card 2023
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Rabbit New Year card 2023

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