Profil Matthias Krissmayr

"La Destra Italiana in Alto Adige"

This semester project was made in summer 2013 with two other students, Michela Campaner and Ptrick Perathoner under the guidance of the professors Kris Krois, Matteo Moretti and Valeria Burgio of the Free University of Bozen Bolzano in collaboration with the news website . Infografics and authentical media documents as newspapers and videos were used to explain the history of Italian right wing parties in the Autonomous Province of Bozen Bolzano in northern Italy.The project was supported by journalist Gabriele di Luca.
"La Destra Italiana in Alto Adige"

"La Destra Italiana in Alto Adige"

This semester project was made in summer 2013 with two other students, Michela Campaner and Ptrick Perathoner under the guidance of the professor Další informace
