Eugene Dieudevilles profil

Case Jacobs 3in1 Digital Campaign

A business case made for PR purposes and advertisng agency portfolio.
Presents the main idea, background, mechanics and results of Jacobs 3 in 1 Digital Campaign in Russia.
Campaign included social media (largest russian social network, promo web-site and branded app for
The campaign was called "Gravity center by Jacobs 3 in 1"
 The target audience was mostly young people, students and young specialists.
Such as the main hero of this story – Pasha Yagodkin, 22 years, manager assistant.
He could be a common guy in his normal life, but in the Internet, in a social network he turns out  to be a Superhero!
The main idea of the company: Become a social superhero with Jacobs 3 in 1!
Create content, be active in social life and become a true hero!
Communication channels: web-site, application and social network community.
Branded game (app in social network) called "Save your friends from work". 
Amount of created content by cathegoriies: photos, video, audio, notes.
Pasha Yagodkin – Social Superhero!
Campaign Results
More than 450 000 members of community!
Case Jacobs 3in1 Digital Campaign


Case Jacobs 3in1 Digital Campaign

A business case made for PR purposes and advertizing agency portfolio. Presents the main idea, background, mechanics and results of Jacobs 3 in 1 Læs mere
