Henkilön Meghan Miller profiili

Mountain Dew Work Out

I created these boards for BBDO’s Client Mountain Dew. Looking to reposition the brand, they wanted inspirational boards to help bring their research findings to life and generate new creative thinking for future campaigns. I was asked to channel my inner 19-year old boy to create these boards for the high energy brand. It was a really fun project where I was able to let loose and create something that was loud. I drank a lot of Diet Dew in high school so it wasn’t too hard for me to connect to the brand.
The coolest part of this assignment was being able to create something that inspired a large group of people both on the client side as well as our advertising team. A lot of the work I do is typically used in small meetings with only a few people viewing my work.  Having the opportunity to dress a room for such an important workout session was very exciting. I found it challenging to create a design for a brand in transition, but I was able to marry existing elements of the brand; their fonts, colors, and the halftone images in the background, with new images of the new target market. Since completing this project, I’ve been asked to create several other workout rooms and deliverables for M&M Mars, CVS, and Intel.
Mountain Dew Work Out

Mountain Dew Work Out

Workout inspiration boards
