A stop motion me and my colleague Matthew Wallace put together 
After deconstructing the camouflage shorts we decided to experiment with the materials creating a war film using iMovie. 
Sketchbook Work 
Deconstructing the shorts and analysing in a minute manner 
The Camouflage shorts which were deconstructed 
There were many buttons on the camouflage shorts 
Montage of Process Book 
My first attempt of creating a process book, I feel it has worked effectively and clearly shows my research. However, if I were to go back to this I would definitely re-consider the layout and type face, the layout needs more of a consistency which I am now well aware of to this current date. 
'Hybrid - Typography' Front Cover for Deconstruction Process Book 
This is not the original front cover but it my re-make using Illustrator to create hybrid typography, this is where by using an already made typeface to split it in half and maybe combine it with another typeface. I have simply divided using one type to make it look as if it's being deconstructed itself. The original image was a stencil which I then painted on the frontcover using white acrylic. 


Being randomly given an object (which was apparel) me and my colleague Matthew Wallace de constructed these camouflage shorts in the most minute Read More
