Design for development

Design for Development: Veld Fighters 
Brief Summary
A digital, game-based intervention was to be designed for this project that shows the powerful act of playing as a means to encourage meaningful connection. Students were divided into groups of 3 with a specific prompt assigned to each group. This digital intervention was designed for children between the ages of 6 and 8 and was aimed at encouraging connection among family, friends and/or the community.

Students were required to conduct research on their target audience and make use of prototyping to find out the likes and dislikes of the children in order to make accurate decisions for their digital intervention. This project aimed at creating positive change in a local context specifically with regard to civic responsibility and children’s development through play and experiential learning.
Project Deliverables
   - Wireframing (Paper prototyping and Digital wireframes)
   - Visual Identity Development
   - User testing
Veld Fighters Theme
This project is driven not only by commercial enterprises but as an enterprise that serves society and encourages positive change. As the aim of this project is to design a digital, game-based intervention that harness the powerful act of playing as a means to encourage meaningful connection which is premised on a particular prompt. Each group were assigned a prompt and our group was assigned- sports and exercise. 
Design Strategy
Our strategy for this project was to start searching for change and improving existing capabilities within children. We shifted our focus to the needs of the child to ensure that our has beneficial impact on children's lives on a daily basis. As we approach our conceptualising phase we understood the need for our game to be sustainable within a South African context and accessible to all cultural, ethnicities and demographic groups in South Africa. Throughout our process of data collection, user testing and design phase we maintained an ethical responsibility towards all children.

Ons of the main inspirations for our game is treasure hunting. As a group we explored how treasure hunting and working toward a prize motivates kids to get active. Our game is driven by the success of the child and the development of the child, we aim to create a environment where a child can grow in a fun, exciting and safe space.
Process Work
This project required a lot of research and development to gain a better understanding of the target audience to achieve the best outcomes. 

To learn more about the process please follow this link.
Our Research
Our target audience for the Veld Fighter app is children between the ages of 6 to 8. As we know exercise is not appealing to many audiences, therefore we knew that we had to approach this in a fun, challenging, interactive and exciting way. We had to engage with our end-users and create a space where they want to achieve more and perform to the best of their capabilities.

In one of our play workshops we brain stormed many different games we played as kids and analysed how these games affected us, what we enjoyed about it and how can we adapt games to fit within our sport and exercise prompt. 
Key findings 
Here are some of the main pieces of information that we extracted after our initial research. We identified the need for sport and exercise within children as this has many physical health benefits for children. These physical health benefits include strengthening of bones and muscles and maintaining healthy lungs and hearts. The affect on their hearts are especially important as it helps to prevent heart disease. Other benefits also include improved balance, coordination, flexibility and good posture. 

Exercise for children is very good for their physical health but it is also great for their inner wellbeing and mental health. Through exercise we can help kids experience higher levels of positive self-image and psychological wellbeing. Kids who exercise more also tend to have lower levels of depression, stress and psychological distress. 

We also researched what the impact of our design would be on such a young age, this aided is in making more informed choices regarding our colour choices, visual style and type choices. Every component within the game was designed with one goal in mind which is having a positive and beneficial impact on children's lives.

As we analysed these key findings it became evident what our goals for the project would be. 
Project Goals
Brand Guide
Our brand was mostly inspired by the African savanna. Everything in our brand from the colours to the characters can be found in the African savanna. 

To view the full brand guide please follow this link.
The Veld Fighter moodpboard is mainly inspired by simple shapes coming together and forming a well crafted design. This brought is to the idea of using shapes to form the foundation of our designs. This usage of shapes will help to set a friendly and inviting tone for our brand.  
The Veld Fighter Logo
Initial Logo Exploration
Final logo
Courageous Colours
Our colours are carefully curated to fit within our target audience.
How we speak to our little audience
Our type choices were carefully considered and crafted during the design process. We needed legible type choices that still convey the Veld Fighter brand tone. 
The veld fighter icons are crafted to mimic the visuals within the Veld Fighter game design. The icon style incorporates organic and easily recognisable shapes. These icons are crucial to navigating the game, therefore are the icons designed to serve an instructional purpose. 
Our patterns
Meet our friends!
Our characters are designed as friends for the children. In this game narrative they are introduced to different characters with different personalities that teach them important moral lessons within each level. Each character serves a different role with a different attitude and personality. 
These characters are designed and crafted using basic shape that lead to a creative, detailed and interesting character with its own personality and quirks. This usage of shapes translates to our target audience as captivating animals and friends. As we designed our characters we kept them unique to South Africa. 
Our characters are uniquely assigned their own colour schemes, these colours also represent the levels in which they appear.
Play Testing 
The target audience for this UX/UI game is mainly children between the ages of 6 to 8 years old. As this game is targeted towards children, it also encourages the participation of adults. This connection between the child and the guardian figure is inspired within the game. Veld Fighters is about preserving and building relationships between all the game participants.
Final User Journey 
To view the full user journey please use this link.
Design for development