Carlos Bauer 的個人檔案

The poetic function of graphic design

◯ □△: modernism and the universal language.
A pós / The Post: postmodernity as chronological succession of modernity, time of earlier styles citation, of information speed and flow.
Era Tipo Aquário / Age Like Aquarius: postmodernity as a time of imprecision, where everyone can and should look for the rules of their own life.
I Want to Believe: postmodernity as time of unbelief, of small narratives, of plural, fragmented and deconstructed expression, of search for uniqueness.
Em Função das Funções / In Function of Functions: many are the systems that classify the functions of the design project, some almost mystic. 
No Meio da Mensagem / In the Middle of the Message: the poetic function of the language manifests on the message itself, manipulating its tangible and physical dimension.
"In the middle of the way there was an arrow / There was an arrow in the middle of the way / In the life of my fatigued retinas" – a reference to the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Descoberta / Discovery: "Poetry is the discovery of things I've never seen" Oswald de Andrade.
Type Writer: "There is so much poetry in the emitter as in the receiver". Leminski used to say that poetry is not only in the writer, but also in those who read. Poetry (and so design) is exchange, dialogue. 
Número Nove / Number Nine: the poetic message is not ended, it produces marks that overlaps, indicates ways for reading and leaves to the reader space to create.
The poetic function of graphic design
What differs a poem from other texts if both are made with words? If design is also language, does it may be as poetry?
For my graduation project, I’ve researched the modernist design theory, the articulation of visual messages in postmodernism, systems of design functions and the poetic communication mainly driven by the thought of poets like Paulo Leminski and Décio Pignatari. These concepts were crossed to analyze contemporary Brazilian design pieces.
From the theoretical reflexion, a series of experimental posters was designed to illustrate the themes and to try to incorporate the way of doing poetry to graphic design.
Advisor: Liber Eugenio Paz
Advisor: Marilda Lopes Pinheiro Queluz
Institution: UTFPR

Curitiba, PR
Published in IdeaFixa Magazine #22 – Poster – 2012.
Published in Clichê Magazine #3 – 2012.
The poetic function of graphic design

The poetic function of graphic design

What differs a poem from other texts if both are made with words? If design is also language, does it may be as poetry? Series of posters result 閱讀更多
