The typographic poster was created using a self-designed font and featured 10 well-known Marathi nursery rhymes. The title of each rhyme was arranged in a creative way that formed an attractive composition on the poster. The font used in the poster was unique and had a distinct style that was different from other traditional Marathi fonts.
The poster had a playful and fun design that would appeal to children and adults alike. The arrangement of the titles created a visual rhythm that flowed smoothly across the poster, capturing the essence of the nursery rhymes. Each title was given equal importance in terms of size and placement, making the poster balanced and visually pleasing.
The poster was entered in a typography competition and won an award for the best entry in elective typography. The judges appreciated the creativity and originality of the self-designed font and the way it was used to create a unique and engaging poster. They also admired the choice of nursery rhymes and the way they were arranged on the poster, creating a delightful and memorable design.
Overall, the typographic poster featuring Marathi nursery rhymes was a successful and creative design that demonstrated the power of typography to communicate ideas and evoke emotions. The use of a self-designed font and the careful arrangement of the titles made the poster stand out and win the recognition it deserved.
Poster Mockups
Front & back cover page 
Devanagari Poster/book


Devanagari Poster/book
