Profiel van Shane Pendergrass

Foremark Performance Chemicals

Brand Positioning
Product Naming
Brand Voice & Messaging
Tagline Development
Visual Identity
Content Direction
Website Design

Foremark Performance Chemicals

For over five years, this technology-driven leader leaned on our team to navigate its brand strategy and strengthen its identity in the marketplace. Early on, we were tasked to rebuild an outdated website that failed to reflect the company’s innovative spirit and state-of-the-art facilities. We helped them communicate the unique blend of customization and accuracy they bring to their customers with a brand that conveys their efficiency and dedication to responsible chemistry.

As Foremark grew and as industry guidelines and expectations evolved, it was important to reinforce their position as an innovative and sustainable chemical manufacturer. From the mission statement to tagline development, we continue to craft honest communication that resonates with both internal and external audiences.

Foremark Performance Chemicals

Foremark Performance Chemicals
