Sunday Coffee House

Located in Mexico City, Sunday Coffee House is a small and cozy cafe where you can find the peace and quiet sensation of a Sunday, any day of the week.

Our work consisted in creating a casual and accessible brand identity that transmits relaxation and fulfillment. Trough the concept "The meaning of coffee", we designed a series of illustrations that focuses on the idea that a cup of coffee has a personal interpretation; for some, it can be a moment of singular joy, and for others, a shared experience. The interpretations are endless, in this way, we managed to create a consistent identity that can be understood in different ways.

We designed a timeless, classic and kind of friendly logotype that is complemented by a symbol consisting of a visual metonymy: a coffee cup with an eye inside as representation of being awake; simple but meaningful. It’s all about being awake to enjoy life any day of the week with the tranquility of a Sunday.

Photography: Elsa Tejero

Sunday Coffee House