Profiel van Zhihua Duan

Graphic Synecdoche of Invisible Cities

Graphic Synecdoche of Invisible Cities

Project Type: Symbolic Design, Book Design
Designed by Pocca

《看不见的城市》原著的内容与章节设计毫无保留的践行着作者卡尔维诺对于结构主义和符号学的趣味,故事中马可波罗向忽必烈生动的介绍旅途中所见的55座城池,事实上完全是作者想象出的或在过去或在未来的虚构景象。所有的故事读来像是由梦境的碎片堆叠而成,像谜。读者需要进入词与物、名字与真实的对应和隐喻之中穿梭漫游,被那些图像的碎片带着可能会找到出口,抑或不能,通往自己的精神之中的一片世界…… 在这个项目中,设计师从原著的55个城池的故事中分别提取关键意象,从而设计出对应55座城池的55个图腾或密匙一样的符号,作为一种通过图形与符号而进行的提喻,以此回应那个看不见的纷繁复杂又令人心动的存在于过去或未来的世界。

The original book Invisible Cities, which is written by Italo Calvino, contains rich beauties of structuralism and semiotics, especially in the table of content. The 55 cities that are described in the book are the imagination from the writer towards the past or the future of the world, like a series of riddles. Everything is explicit but also confusing, everything has its clues or not, and all the stories seem to be made up of fragments of dreams. All readers can do is wandering in them. In this project, 55 symbols are created based on the keywords that are extracted from the 55 stories to represent the cities as graphic Synecdoche.

Graphic Synecdoche of Invisible Cities


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Graphic Synecdoche of Invisible Cities

The original book Invisible Cities, which is written by Italo Calvino, contains rich beauties of structuralism and semiotics, especially in the t Meer lezen
