Kai Chu 的个人资料

Here and Away Exhibition

*Panel #2: Before coming to Emily Carr*
1. A short paragraph about the work you did before coming to Emily Carr
Hello. My name is Kai. My professional background for over 20 years has been as a product designer in the Apparel Industry, mixed with visual and graphic design for web and print. I design and engineer performance apparel, where fit and function, as well as the user interaction experience really matter. I enjoy finding better ways to do things, from development processes to the manufacturing floor; there are always methods and things to be learned.  In some ways, I'm also a business/product analyst, always looking at the big picture to see where in the development or business processes can be improved to achieve better employee and user experiences.
I wanted to take a couple of Industrial Design courses to get a better understanding of industrial design and hopefully add a new tangent to my design skills. I already had a wide interest in various mediums of product design from a more artistic outlet, and wanted to explore more of it through industrial design.
I ❤ People. Design. Learning. Photography. Food. Community. Authenticity.
Panels #5-6: Your Work(s) after you finished the CS Courses*
(Re: can be anything you created using your skills & knowledge acquired from the CS courses, or something you're involved that shows your abilities, your charactor, your life etc)
1. A short description of the project(s) (up to 300 words)
My interest in design has expanded to User Interface Design for web and Mobile apps; while artistic wise, I have a renewed interest in life drawing and illustrations. I still work with Apparel companies as Design and Development manager to create new product as well as continually practicing Service Design, but now my time is split to add focus on UX Design. As a hobby, I’m still loving doing food photography!
Here and Away Exhibition

Here and Away Exhibition

Was asked to participate in a group exhibition from the Industrial Design continuing ed faculty. They wanted to showcase the people and their wor 阅读更多内容
