Studio IANUS's profile

Microsoft - Sandbox


Set of illustrations for Microsoft_Sandbox
we created a series of illustrations for a game quiz that people will be able to take on Microsoft's website to determinate what type of hacker they are.

11 illustrations (with variations for every options) and 4 illustrated profile cards.

Client: McCann
Our Role: Illustration

What do you do when you wake up before your alarm?

[ A ] Go back to sleep. (Developer)
[ B ] Write down what you were dreaming about. (Idea Person)
[ C ] Get up and get to work. (Designer)
[ D ] Lay in bed and think until your alarm goes off. (Strategy)

Which method of making coffee do you prefer?

[ A ] Pour over (Strategy)
[ B ] French Press (Designer)
[ C ] Drip (Developer)
[ D ] Espresso (Idea Person)

If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you would buy?

[ A ] Paying off mortgage (Strategy)
[ B ] The most valuable Metaverse property (Developer)
[ C ] A designer mansion (Designer)
[ D ] An Island (Idea Person)

When putting together a puzzle, what do you do first?

[ A ] The edge pieces (Strategy)
[ B ] Turn them all face up and sort by color (Designer)
[ C ] Most prominent object (Idea Person)
[ D ] Wing it (Developer)

If you had a remote for your life with only one button on it, 
which button would you want?

[ A ] Pause (Designer)
[ B ] Rewind (Strat)
[ C ] Fast Forward (Idea Person)
[ D ] Mute (Developer)

If you could instantly be fluent in another language, what would it be?

[ A ] Mandarin (Strategy) 
[ B ] Dog (Designer)
[ C ] Binary (Developer)
[ D ] Esperanto (Idea Person)

If you could bring one thing into the wilderness with you, 
what would it be?

[ A ] Hatchet (Designer)
[ B ] Rope (Idea Person)
[ C ] A pot (Developer)
[ D ] Life Straw (Strategy)

What’s your favorite part of the newspaper?

[ A ] Crossword (Idea Person)
[ B ] Sudoku (Developer)
[ C ] Comics (Designer)
[ D ] Business Section (Strategy)

Choose a shape

[ A ] Square (Developer)
[ B ] Triangle (Strategy)
[ C ] Circle (Designer)
[ D ] Star (Idea Person)

If you could be any age forever, right now, what would you be?

[ A ] (Designer)
[ B ] 65 (Strategy)
[ C ] 34 (Developer)
[ D ] 22 (Idea Person)

Which do you use most?

[ A ] Mouse (Developer)
[ B ] Digital Pen (Designer)
[ C ] Trackpad (Strategy)
[ D ] Touch Screen (Idea Person)

fist drafts

The Designer

You’ve got the eye. You know how to evoke desirability. You’ve got the skills to bring ideas to life in a compelling fashion with all the right visual and spatial cues; meaning you make things beautiful and effective.

The Tech Prodigy

You figure it out. You assemble the nuts and bolts, the ones and zeros behind the scenes. Pushing the keys and making sure the backend functions seamlessly with API’s and data analytics.

The Visionary

You’re an idea machine. You notice problems and envision solutions. Some might call you radical but you're an incorrigible iconoclast who can shape culture with the foresight of your imagination.

The Business Dynamo

You think in terms of business feasibility and how to get there; you live, eat and breathe ROI, revenue and strategic partnerships. You’re the one who hustles a project into existence. You see the macro but understand the micro.
Microsoft - Sandbox

Microsoft - Sandbox
